I usually buy the genuine Hermes bags and that includes Birkin, Kelly, Constance, Lindy, Evelyne, and Jypsiere. This is the first time I’ll be settling for the knock off version.
Just as most people who wish to buy things do, I spent a lot of time on the Internet doing my research. I researched what to look out for; who to order from and which sellers I can trust to get me the genuine product. It is refreshing to finally find sellers I can trust especially when you consider the number of scam sites and vendors out there. WR is a community that has dedicated time and resources to ensure that buyers meet genuine sellers and not someone looking to swindle people of their hard earned money. The best part is that they provide all the information I need for free.
My intention was to get the best possible replica I could find and didn’t want to spend time and money on the very poor ones.
My thoughts were that with nice replicas, I would be able to afford different models and colors and be able to match different bags to different functions. That said, I couldn’t get the thought of damage or wear out of my mind.
I was told the leathers used for the best Hermes replica bags are from the same tanneries as that of Hermes and I wasn’t totally convinced about them – perhaps, at least I think there are few sellers are able to provide same Hermes company tannery leather, because the price was double and the images of the hand made bags were just as amazing as they are in reality.
Then I asked for pictures of the Hermes Birkin 30 Black Togo PHW, when I eventually saw the photos, I observed two things:
Making a decision based on just what I saw, I decided to risk it and order the fake version. I paid with PayPal and in a couple of days, I got the bag.
Apart from some bubbles at the side of the box, the bag looked genuine. The Dust bag was okay, they felt and looked like the genuine ones I had. I couldn’t spot any difference, even when I placed the bags side by side and compared them. The Logos were identical and even the small poach that came in the smaller dust bag was also there. The locks were also identical.
Details Checking: Stamp, Leather, Stitch
Just like the genuine article, there is a blind stamp inside. Hermes changed the position of their blind stamps in 2016 from the strap hardware to inside the bag.
The leather quality was great and the stitching was amazingly neat. On the zipper, there was an ‘H’ engraved on one side and ‘Hermes’ engraved on the other face. The leather border on the zipper was also perfectly embossed.
The leather looks and feels very supple to touch. The smell is the same though.
The size of the logo after ‘Hermes Paris’ on strap hardware is identical to the genuine one.
Also, the color, font, and refinement of the ‘Hermes Paris Made in France’ logo printed on the fake are amazing. The placement and quality of the print seem great.
The truth is, there’s no way you can expect the fake to be completely identical to the original one. If that’s what you need, you might as well go buy the real thing. There will be little changes and flaws here and there, the question now is; how visible are these differences and are you willing to overlook them? As long as it doesn’t look or smell cheap, I consider it a well-made replica. That doesn’t change the fact that it is still not the real deal.
When it comes to shopping for a counterfeit Birkin, the bag shape, handle proportion and the stitch quality are three major things to look out for.
Personally, I’ll score this bag a 9.5/10 because all three of the criteria listed above were met. The bag feels expensive and the only reason anyone would not want to carry it is if the person is told that it is the fake.
Of the little flaws identified above from the bag, none is visible when the bag is on a shoulder. No one will ever call you out for selling a fake as long as you don’t pass it off as the genuine bag to your buyers. My next purchase will be the best handmade crocodile leather quality Hermes replica bags I can find.
Also, I would advise anyone wish to follow this path to go for those with identical stitching. You don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to your handbag. Never forget that no matter how close the replica Birkin might be, it is not genuine.
That said, I would still make the occasional trip to my favorite Hermes boutique to buy genuine ones.
Generally, the experience was worth it. I love the bag I got and would definitely fix it into my rotation. For those that care, I recommend this seller and would be placing another order sometime soon and would do another review based on what I get.
Let the photos talk below:
Editor’s Note: Any chance you would be interested in purchasing the best Hermes replica handbags, a coveted Birkin, please contact email whyreps@gmail.com, I will share the website name with you.
08 . 12 . 2018Amazing! I’ve been searching for a good replica Hermes Birkin for months, I’m really thankful for this review.